Underground Mine Designing and Planning Steps

Once resource model completed and verified, the next stage of mine study is mine design. In general, there are 5 main steps of an underground mine designing as below.

Step 1: Block model manipulation and preparation works

In this step we as mining engineers need to check the block model, perhaps verifying against available data, to complete modifications based on mining requirements such as adding new attributes, fields and descriptions. checking the resource estimates, tonnes and grades

Step 2:   Cut off grade determination

Steps 2 and 3 can be done simultaneously. In general, cut off grade is an optimum grade that mining the deposit above that is economical. We don’t want to talk about cut off grade here,

Step 3: Stope design or mining blocks design

Determining the minimum mining block based on the cut off grade is the next step. Another way to determine the mining blocks is using technical and financial parameters directly. Usually, stope design is completed in this stage.

Step4: Development design

Designing the development such as main access ramp, drifts, ventilation airways, stoping access and other infrastructures plan is occurred in this stage.

Step 5: Production scheduling

Once the mine design completed, production scheduling is the next step of mine design and planning. The production scheduling based on design criteria’s, limitations and  other operational constraints is occurred in this section which is one of the main steps for the mine production.

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